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To Test or Not to Test? 
At the start of a project on a pre-1978 home or child-occupied facility, contractors have a choice to make: should I test for lead or just assume lead is present? As the saying goes, "knowledge is power." 

Win the Job 
-Savvy contractors use their knowledge of the RRP Rule as a marketing tool when bidding on a project. You should too.
-If tested and lead is not present, the RRP Rule would not apply to the project. Work can then be done with no added expense to homeowner or contractor. 
-If there is lead present, seize the opportunity to sell the homeowner on the dangers of lead exposure and the importance of protecting their family. 
-Sell the homeowner on the fact that they will be assured all renovations are being done safely.


Build Trust with the Homeowner 
-Most homeowners are completely ignorant of the RRP Rule. It is an opportunity to educate them. 
-By informing the homeowner or landlord of the RRP Rule and what it entails, you are showing that you are both knowledgeable and responsible when it comes to work practices and industry standards.

Avoid Fines 
-By assuming lead, you must comply with all of the complicated rules and a compliance officer will hold you to meeting all of the demands of RRP - EVEN IF THERE IS NO LEAD PRESENT. If you're out of compliance, you could pay a huge fine and have a potential lawsuit, something testing will helped you avoid. 
-Don't make a costly mistake - Find out up front if there is no lead and eliminate the threat of fines and potential lawsuits.
-Homeowner will be assured test results will be unbiased and more accurate with an independent lead inspector doing the testing.

Need more details? Contact us

We are here to assist. Contact us by phone or email.

(954) 298-8243

Firm Certification # FL-107456-2 : Certified under section 402 of TSCA. Lead Inspector/Risk Assessor Certificate: #FL-R-100878-2

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